Velocity Noodle

Velocity Noodle

Platforming, with spicy sauce.

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Velocity Noodle

Velocity Noodle

Top Hat Studios, Inc.

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Set in a cyberpunk future, you'll play as a ninja/noodle delivery man across 2D levels filled with traps. You'll need to jump, dash, and teleport if you're to overcome the challenges. With more than 60 levels, the game demands total precision and unrivalled reaction times. Every level is a test of speed and control, making it perfect for fans of speedruns and intense challenges.

In a cyberpunk future where neon lights buzz on dark streets, you'll be playing as a ninja noodle delivery girl. But in this dystopian world, delivering a meal is far from easy. Circular saws, electrified traps, and even the Anti-Delivery Service all stand in your way.

Your mission? To make your way across levels filled with traps in record time, relying on an arsenal of acrobatic movements that includes jumps, double jumps, dashes, and teleportation.

Velocity Noodle - Top Hat Studios, Inc. - Platforming, with spicy sauce.

In this game, every movement counts, and the slightest mistake can cost you dearly. More than 60 levels await, each more complex than the last and designed to test your speed, precision, and ability to plan ahead. And for the most hardcore gamers, a timer pushes you to break records while collecting hidden items.

One of the best things about the game is the freedom to explore. Although the game pushes you to complete levels as quickly as you can, there is some leeway. You can forge your own path and find a way around an obstacle or discover an alternative route. Exploration is rewarded with hidden items and noodles to collect. Finding them unlocks additional dialogue that enriches the game world while adding an extra challenge for those in search of a deeper experience.

Velocity Noodle - Top Hat Studios, Inc. - Platforming, with spicy sauce.

We liked the carefully calibrated learning curve: you'll master a movement and, before you know it, you'll be facing the challenge of new obstacles.

Our favourite part? When you finally get your hands on teleportation. It lets you teleport past obstacles and adds a whole new dimension to the gameplay. You can use it as much as you like, and it will become your best friend on the harder levels.

Velocity Noodle - Top Hat Studios, Inc. - Platforming, with spicy sauce.

Our tip to help you on your way? Take your time in the beginning! Even though the timer piles on the stress, take the time to observe each level. Focus on mastering the double jump and dash before you start chasing records.
And never be scared to restart the level when you make a mistake: it means you won't waste any time making up for bad decisions.

Velocity Noodle Video Game - Blacknut LeMag Cloud Gaming
Velocity Noodle Video Game - Blacknut LeMag Cloud Gaming
Velocity Noodle Video Game - Blacknut LeMag Cloud Gaming
Velocity Noodle Video Game - Blacknut LeMag Cloud Gaming
  • Velocity Noodle Video Game - Blacknut LeMag Cloud Gaming
  • Velocity Noodle Video Game - Blacknut LeMag Cloud Gaming
  • Velocity Noodle Video Game - Blacknut LeMag Cloud Gaming
  • Velocity Noodle Video Game - Blacknut LeMag Cloud Gaming
  • Velocity Noodle Video Game - Blacknut LeMag Cloud Gaming
Velocity Noodle
  • Age12


  • SmartTvDesktopMobileTablet


  • Solo


  • GamepadKeyboardTouch


Publisher: Top Hat Studios, Inc.

Developer: Shotgun Anaconda

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