More than just a game, it’s an intriguing, melancholy experience. While the start of the game appears to be straightforward enough – leaving the office and heading home – what follows is almost surreal. Manipulate reality and distort the balance between time and space to make your way through a dystopian universe with its own impeccable aesthetic. One to play right away, just for the experience!
Do you sometimes feel like work is encroaching on your personal life a bit too much? That escaping from your daily grind seems all but impossible?
For Solo, those feelings are now reality! The hero of The Plane Effect is a model employee, the kind of guy that always works late. But when he tries to head home just like he does every evening, he notices that something isn’t quite right.
Take that giant red orb that has just appeared in the sky, for example. For many, it’s an omen that the end of the world is nigh, but for Solo, it marks the beginning of a strange and inexplicable odyssey! With no real idea of why, you find yourself trapped in a trippy dystopian reality, where it feels like your slightest movements and actions are being watched very closely.
One step out of line, and a lovely little drone will come and electrocute you where you stand! Is this gloomy reality, or a robotic dream? Better to think about how to find your wife and child, and the answers to your questions. But before you can do that, you’ll need to find a way out of your office…
The Plane Effect is an isometric 3D exploration game developed by independent studios Innovina Interactive and Studio Kiku. A cross between a puzzler, a point & click adventure, and a die n’ retry, this single-player game with its polished graphics is deliberately weird, ambiguous, and complex.
Experienced players and newbies alike will find themselves feeling a bit lost at the outset! Thankfully, the first level serves as a tutorial to learn the game’s controls and mechanics, and depending on which mode you choose (Normal, Narrative Hint, or Guided), you’ll receive varying levels of guidance on how you can interact with your environment.
And every detail counts! Make sure you explore every nook and cranny of the locations you visit to find buttons, levers, and any other kind of valuable clue. An example of this mechanic is that Solo really feels the cold. This means it’s impossible to leave the office without your coat. But before you put it on, you’ll need to first go and check what the temperature is outside! As you’ve no doubt realised, most of the puzzles you’ll encounter demand some thought, logic, and a bit of skill… as well as plenty of lives!
Because before you find the solution to all your problems, you’ll be meeting the reaper again and again… and what if it was all just a bad dream?
More than just another weird adventure game, this is an experimental work of art!
Publisher: PQube Limited
Developer: Innovina/StudioKiku
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