Journey of a Roach

Journey of a Roach

A creepy-crawly adventure.

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Journey of a Roach

Journey of a Roach

Daedalic Entertainment

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Play as a friendly cockroach in a post-apocalyptic world. A quirky 3D game that’s loads of fun, because like any insect worth its salt, the hero can walk on walls and the ceiling. The other nifty idea in Journey of the Roach is that the story is told without any text or dialogue. Everything is revealed through onomatopoeia and pictures, making it the perfect game for kids.

If there’s one species of animal that people really don’t like, or even hate, it’s the cockroach. But this creepy-crawly that’s classed as a pest has feelings too! And if ever there was a global nuclear war, this little insect might be one of the only creatures to survive on planet Earth. It’s in this exact radioactive – and now human-free – scenario that you will need to survive as Jim, a mutant cockroach stranded in nuclear winter with his pal, Bud.

Journey of a Roach - Daedalic Entertainment - A creepy-crawly adventure.

Used to rummaging around for food, this time they will be on a quest to find the planet’s last surviving flower, which Bud found on the surface before getting accidentally trapped in a bunker. These things always happen to Bud... But rather than just standing there arguing over and over again, a better plan is to try and find a way up to the surface, and soon! Because you aren’t really alone in this abandoned bunker. The ants, your sworn enemies, have also moved in and are hatching a Machiavellian plan to take over the world!

Brought to us by the independent developers at the Swiss studio, Kobold Games, Journey of a Roach is a Point & Click adventure game that deftly combines exploration, puzzles, and quirky humour. Its 3D graphics are nice to look at, and the game’s difficulty is suitable for younger players and newer gamers alike.

Journey of a Roach - Daedalic Entertainment - A creepy-crawly adventure.

Free from dialogue, which has been replaced by explanatory drawings, the game provides an intuitive and original way to pick up and play. And like any good creepy-crawly, you can change the camera angle by climbing up the walls, on the ceiling, or across objects, gaining a different perspective that might reveal new areas to explore! Depending on the scene, you might need to stand in the right place to trigger an interaction with another character, or to gain a new item for your inventory. The puzzle sequences require a bit of logic and observation, but they shouldn’t stress your tiny insect brain too much!

Journey of a Roach Video Game - Blacknut LeMag Cloud Gaming
Journey of a Roach Video Game - Blacknut LeMag Cloud Gaming
Journey of a Roach Video Game - Blacknut LeMag Cloud Gaming
Journey of a Roach Video Game - Blacknut LeMag Cloud Gaming
  • Journey of a Roach Video Game - Blacknut LeMag Cloud Gaming
  • Journey of a Roach Video Game - Blacknut LeMag Cloud Gaming
  • Journey of a Roach Video Game - Blacknut LeMag Cloud Gaming
  • Journey of a Roach Video Game - Blacknut LeMag Cloud Gaming
  • Journey of a Roach Video Game - Blacknut LeMag Cloud Gaming
Journey of a Roach
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Publisher: Daedalic Entertainment

Developer: Koboldgames

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