Golf VS Zombies

Golf VS Zombies

Walking Dead on the green!

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Golf VS Zombies

Golf VS Zombies

Untold Tales

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Take out zombies with crazy golf balls in a post-apocalyptic world. That's the order of the day in this unpretentious game that deftly combined frenetic action with the precision of golf. You'll not only need to line up the perfect shot, but also deal with the many zombies tottering around. It's crazy and very, very fun.

Not your everyday game of golf! We were immediately enamoured with the novel idea behind Golf VS Zombies. This combination of the serious and soothing game of golf and the urgency of surviving against a horde of manic zombies delivers a unique kind of gaming experience. The balance between the precision required to play golf and the palpable tension of avoiding being devoured by the living dead creates a dynamic that will have you on the edge of your seat from start to end.

Golf VS Zombies - Untold Tales - Walking Dead on the green!

Because in Golf VS Zombies, you really do play golf. You need to use your drivers and irons to get the ball in the hole while staying out of the bunkers, but you're also constantly harassed by the living dead that emerge from the ground.

We loved the golf cart race where you run over zombies!

We especially liked the variety of challenges on offer in Golf VS Zombies. Each hole features its own series of surprises, be that zombies with unusual armour like buckets on their heads or strategic locations where you'll need to get around obstacles. The cartoon graphics and the game's attention to detail really enhance the finished product, creating an immersive world that never takes itself too seriously.

Golf VS Zombies - Untold Tales - Walking Dead on the green!

Our tip to help you on your way? We recommend investing in the zombie radar early on. It's available in Billy's shop. The radar lets you detect hidden zombies, giving you a vital head start on avoiding deadly ambushes.

As for the atmosphere, from the very start of the game, Golf VS Zombies immerses you in a desolate setting. The detailed, arid environments recall the Arizona desert, and it's all dotted with humour, like the ad for the Brain Burger in brain juice, and the country music soundtrack deftly accompanies every moment of calm or tension. The sound effects, like the sound of the wind or the silence broken by the groans of approaching zombies, further enhance the sense of immersion. This is great arcade gaming, and it will sometimes give you a jump scare when you end up getting devoured by a zombie you'd failed to spot.

Golf VS Zombies - Untold Tales - Walking Dead on the green!

You can also unlock new courses, upgrade your equipment and perfect your skills, all of which adds significant replayability, and this unpretentious game will keep you entertained as you make those Birdies, Eagles, and Double Bogeys. It's fun and funny at the same time, and kids will love it because the zombies aren't the scary kind!

Golf VS Zombies Video Game - Blacknut LeMag Cloud Gaming
Golf VS Zombies Video Game - Blacknut LeMag Cloud Gaming
Golf VS Zombies Video Game - Blacknut LeMag Cloud Gaming
Golf VS Zombies Video Game - Blacknut LeMag Cloud Gaming
  • Golf VS Zombies Video Game - Blacknut LeMag Cloud Gaming
  • Golf VS Zombies Video Game - Blacknut LeMag Cloud Gaming
  • Golf VS Zombies Video Game - Blacknut LeMag Cloud Gaming
  • Golf VS Zombies Video Game - Blacknut LeMag Cloud Gaming
  • Golf VS Zombies Video Game - Blacknut LeMag Cloud Gaming
Golf VS Zombies
  • Age16


  • SmartTvDesktopMobileTablet


  • Multi


  • GamepadKeyboardTouch


Publisher: Untold Tales

Developer: Sleepwalking Potatoes

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