

A game with real brains

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  3. Airhead


Handy Games

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Close your eyes and imagine this surprising main character: Body, a little headless body, and Head, its inflatable head with some amazing abilities. In this Metroidvania game reminiscent of Abe's Odyssey, you'll be exploring a dystopian world with a distinctive artistic direction, and solving some ingenious puzzles. A great adventure with upgradeable skills and a fantastic story.

If you're in the mood for an emotive game with challenging puzzles and a unique atmosphere, then you're in the right place. In AirHead, you play as Body, a being without a head whose mission is to save and support Head, a head without a body who is inexorably deflating.

Airhead - Handy Games - A game with real brains

Our favourite part? The touching friendship that lies at the heart of the adventure. This unlikely cooperation creates a profound emotional dynamic, where every act of protection and support strengthens the bond between the two companions. Through the usual metroidvania challenges, where the focus is always on exploration and puzzle-solving, the game manages to weave a poignant tale.

When it comes to the gameplay, the most important mechanic is the collection of air tanks found throughout the world, and knowing the right way to use them. Make sure that you always keep Head inflated with enough air to avoid dangerous situations and keep making progress. Initially, you can inflate Head to take to the air, before activating levers to unlock elevators and clear new paths as you progress. Advanced skills like the double jump, dash, and the ability to control machines all add to the gameplay experience, letting you solve complex puzzles and explore further into different areas. Every ability plays a key role in your ability to progress.

Airhead - Handy Games - A game with real brains

Our advice to help you on your way? You'll do best when you make optimal use of Head's special abilities, like using helium to float up to previously inaccessible areas, or using levers and mechanisms to solve complex puzzles. But Body also has some handy skills, like in the Swimming in the Deep level where you leave your floating companion Head behind to explore the depths of a vast lake all on your own.

We liked the richly varied exploration. AirHead immerses you in a complex and interconnected world where each new environment reveals unique landscapes and varied challenges. As you explore labyrinthine caves, ancient remains, and abandoned scientific facilities, you'll encounter cleverly designed puzzles that make ingenious use of Body and Head's complementary skillsets. Use Head's light weight to activate fragile mechanisms, or harness the combined strength of Body and Head to move heavy items and open up new areas.

Airhead - Handy Games - A game with real brains

Best get one thing straight from the outset: some of the puzzles demand a real eye for detail and some strategic thinking. Thankfully, there are clues to help you, and they are always clear enough to put you on the right path without ever constituting a walkthrough.

With a playtime of around 4-5 hours, AirHead isn't the longest metroidvania game out there, but every minute of the game is packed with clever puzzles and mind-blowing exploration. It reminded us of the first Oddworld games that are still classed as masterpieces to this very day.

Airhead Video Game - Blacknut LeMag Cloud Gaming
Airhead Video Game - Blacknut LeMag Cloud Gaming
Airhead Video Game - Blacknut LeMag Cloud Gaming
Airhead Video Game - Blacknut LeMag Cloud Gaming
  • Airhead Video Game - Blacknut LeMag Cloud Gaming
  • Airhead Video Game - Blacknut LeMag Cloud Gaming
  • Airhead Video Game - Blacknut LeMag Cloud Gaming
  • Airhead Video Game - Blacknut LeMag Cloud Gaming
  • Airhead Video Game - Blacknut LeMag Cloud Gaming
  • Age3


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Publisher: Handy Games

Developer: Massive Miniteam

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