If you were looking for THE game to take you back to '90s arcade games, this is it. This is the game's first home entertainment port in 33 years.
A cyborg tasked with saving the world from an alien invasion.
Sounds about right! The plot might not be the most original, but we guarantee you'll love this run-and-gun shooter, designed for arcade fun with two players.

Yes, you read that right: two players! Out Zone is one of those games that reveals its full potential in co-op mode, with two powered up players unleashing carnage and collecting items to refill their energy bar.
A little tip to get you started: the explosion that occurs when a player dies also takes out any nearby enemies! Make good use of this kamikaze ability.

We liked the level design that really makes you think. Sometimes it's better to stay behind cover and methodically pick off the enemies (without staying in one place for too long), while some levels are like mazes where you'll need to dodge obstacles and avoid cliffs where any fall would be fatal. It's really varied.
Another challenge: your energy bar is constantly falling as you move ever onwards. When it's empty, you've reached the end of your reserves and you'll quickly die.

Also bear in mind that your cyborg can only shoot in the direction they are moving, unless you obtain an ability that's much weaker but that always maintains forward fire.
Fortunately, every now and again you'll pick up an overpowered weapon, including a spinning shield, Rygar-style.

Our advice? Select Very Easy mode when you're just starting out and you'll have a blast in co-op.
We tested it with kids and teenagers, and they all loved it, even if it is 33 years old!